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Dear {ANREDE} {LASTNAME[std:Client]},

SPS - Smart Production Solutions is getting closer! Visit us from November 12 to 14, 2024 in Nuremberg and experience the latest innovations at Deutschmann Automation. We look forward to your visit to hall 5, booth 328.


SPS - Smart Production Solutions

Secure your free ticket now - simply contact us! See you soon at SPS 2024!

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Embedded Module


The UNIGATE IC2 embedded solution is now available from stock, enabling even faster fulfilment of customer requests. UNIGATE IC2 is based on ARM Cortex-M4 processor technology, which enables fast communication with the application side via SPI or UART.

Protocol Converter


In addition to the PROFINET device interface, the compact top-hat rail module (DIN rail) has serial interfaces (RS232/RS422/RS485) as well as an additional standard Ethernet port and an optional CAN interface as standard.


Deutschmann Automation GmbH & Co. KG

Carl-Zeiss-Str. 8
65520 Bad Camberg

Tel. +49 6434 9433 - 0
USt-IdNr./VAT-No.: DE 230964463
Geschäftsführer / Generalmanager: Michael M. Reiter
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